Play Starts Here
Develop leadership, teamwork, 通过参加我们的30个体育联盟和锦标赛或我们的俱乐部运动队之一,这些社交技能将持续一生. 运动是一种享受乐趣、创造回忆和保持活跃的健康方式.
Participation Benefits
- Improve stamina and concentration
- Experience something new
- Build new and lasting connections with others
- Decrease anxiety and stress
- Improve leadership and teamwork skills
- Increase confidence
Get Involved
Students, faculty, 所有技术水平的员工都有机会选择室内和室外活动,从一天的比赛到多周的联赛运动. 我们在一个学年提供大约30种不同的运动,包括壁球, table tennis, basketball, spikeball, cricket, flag football, soccer, and volleyball.
Along with having tons of fun, 那些参加校内体育的人也会发展领导能力, teamwork, and social skills that will last for a lifetime.
Step 1: Create an account
Individual and team registrations, game schedules, and roster management are all completely online through TAMUC IMLeagues. 第一次参加校内运动,请遵循以下说明.
- Navigate to or download the Lion Rec Sports App powered by IMLeagues on Google Play or the Apple App Store.
- Select Texas A&M University-Commerce which will route you to SSO.
- Log in via SSO using your university credentials.
- Complete the required information and create your account.
Step 2: Create or Join a team
To Create a Team:
- 从显示的选项中单击您想要的运动和联赛,然后选择“+创建团队”.”
- 同意运动豁免,并按提示填写你的队伍资料. Submit your team.
- 从您的团队页面,邀请朋友或接受朋友的请求加入您的团队.
To Join a Team:
- 接受队长的请求,通过电子邮件或IMLeagues加入他们的球队,或者在分区/联赛页面上找到球队和队长的名字并请求加入.
- 进入队长的球员卡页面,查看他们的球队或请求加入.
Eligible Participants
- Current fee-paying A&M-Commerce undergraduate and graduate students
- A&M-Commerce faculty and staff. 为了参加在MRC举办的活动,您必须拥有校园娱乐会员资格
Ineligible Participants
- A&M-Commerce alumni
- Contract workers for the university (ie. SSC, Sodexo, construction companies, etc.)
- Students from other colleges or universities
- 没有校园娱乐会员资格的教职员工(适用于在MRC范围内举行的体育活动)
- 学生、教职员工的配偶和/或生活伴侣和家庭伴侣
We know it can be challenging to find enough players for a team! 如果你没有球队可加入,但仍然想打球,那就意味着你是一个自由球员. Here are a couple of options for finding a team to play with.
- Visit and make sure you have created your account.
- Look for the sport titled “NEED A TEAM? SIGN UP HERE!“许多运动和联盟已经创建了完全由自由球员组成的球队.
- Find and click on the sport you wish to play. 在最终加入新团队之前,继续按照每页顶部的提示进行操作!
- 您可以请求加入团队或发布有关自己的信息,以便团队可以请求将您添加到他们的团队中.
- 请注意,请求加入一个团队并不会立即将您置于该团队中. 在比赛前和队长联系是一个很好的做法.
- 你可以在一个联赛中以“自由球员”的身份出现在任意多个分区(使用IMLeagues页面右上角的球员注册下拉菜单)。.
- Signing up as 自由球员不能保证在球队名单上的位置,也不能在没有队长同意的情况下被安排在球队名单上l.
Lion Rec Sports App
Download the official sports programs app, Lion Rec Sports. Powered by IMLeagues, Lion Rec Sports应用程序可以让你注册一个团队或自己参加校内运动, join a club sports team, check your game schedule, and see where you land on the leaderboard, all from your phone.
俱乐部运动是由A组建和领导的学生组织&对运动或活动有热爱和热情的移动商务学生. A club sport may contain recreational, instructional, and socialization components, but most are competitive in nature. Some clubs are a part of a national governing body or league, 但所有的俱乐部都要与州内和地区内的其他大学竞争.
参加我们的俱乐部体育项目是学生发展的重要组成部分,可以大大提高学生的大学经历. 我们鼓励所有水平的技能和支持平等的机会给任何学生,无论他们的种族, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status.
While clubs are assisted in their operations, 学生负责运营和管理一个成功组织的各个方面.
Don't see your sport listed? Ask about starting a club sport!
Club Fishing
This club participates in competitions locally, regionally and nationally, 但主要是一个出口,为学生进行休闲钓鱼之旅作为一个团体. All skill levels are encouraged to join. Reach out to any of the officers for information.
Club Officers
- President: Jared West
- Vice President: Gus Mclarry
- Treasurer: Tristan White
$75 semester
Follow Us
Club Tennis
俱乐部网球队为那些希望在校园里与他人竞争的人提供了娱乐机会, 同时也为那些希望与其他大学竞争的学生提供了竞争机会.
By being a member of this club, 您将有机会学习初级和高级网球技术. 这家俱乐部旨在帮助你提高你的球技,并为你提供提高和在更高水平上竞争的机会. Contact us to get more information about our club.
Club Officers
- President: Tony Park
- Vice-President: Hyeunjun Jang
- Treasurer: Jaewon Kwak
Mon/Tues/Thurs, 6:00-9:00 p.m., Cain
Men’s Soccer
Club Officers
- President: Martin Acevedo
- Vice-President: Christian Resa
- Treasurer: Vacant
Monday/Thursday, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Cain
Club Officers
- President: Adam Morris
- Vice-President: Timothy Cooper
- Treasurer: Ethan Waldschmidt
Friday 5:00 – 9 p.m., Morris Recreation Center Classroom
Start a club Sport
所有俱乐部必须在学生组织办公室注册,才能成为俱乐部体育项目. 学生组织必须遵循学生组织规定的流程 (Student Organizations: Starting a New Organization).
一旦俱乐部在学生组织注册,就必须召开会议 Kelsey Cato, Coordinator of Sports Programs. The club must provide the following upon this meeting:
- 章程:此文件是扶轮社运作的基础. It should clearly list the purpose, membership, organization structure (officers and advisors), election processes, rules and regulations and funding sources for the club.
- 花名册:学生社团要求每个社团至少有六名成员. 俱乐部体育项目的最低参与人数要求较高,在成为俱乐部体育项目之前,必须达到最低参与人数要求.
俱乐部体育项目的批准和接受是按学期进行的. 俱乐部必须作为注册的学生组织成立,并且必须满足上述启动新俱乐部运动的所有要求. Once approved, 该俱乐部将在下个学期成为一个活跃的俱乐部运动,并将有资格开始接受资助.
After becoming an official club sport, 扶轮社必须遵循下列准则以维持其扶轮社的体育地位.
Meet the sports team
Contact Us
- Campus Recreation
- 903.468.3181
- [email protected]
- 2600 W. Neal St.
- Commerce, TX 75428